Sunday, October 18, 2015

Eden Project - Bucket List - CHECK!

The Eden Project is an educational charity and social enterprise that creates gardens, exhibitions, art, events and experiences to explore how people can work together and with nature towards a better future. 35 acre global garden built in a 50m deep crater --- AMAZING.  There are two huge biomes at Eden that house a rainforest and a Mediterranean climate. We walked 4 miles throughout and enjoyed a lovely lunch inside the Mediterranean biome. Each biome includes cultural artifacts and all the food sold inside Eden is harvested inside the biomes and garden. I could spend days here and certainly plan to return on each and every visit to Cornwall.  Go to to learn more -- and check out the photos below.

Jay and Carmony - you would absolutely love this experience and rumor has it they are building another one in Japan. Land is cheap(er) in Salisbury, NC... what do you say? A social entrepreneurial family venture?

Pano from the entrance... sloping walkways through lush gardens to get down to the biomes.

Huge bee sculpture in the outdoor gardens!

Inside the Rainforest

These guys were all over the rainforest

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This plant is the largest flowering plant in the world. Check out the webcam on line to watch it grow!

A waterfall in the middle of the rainforest!

Harris' find a bar - no surprise! Rum and super fruit Baobab smoothie - yum!

Mediterranean Biome cafe - absolutely lovely. Birds for days. 

Sculptures among the grape vines!

An entire chili garden with the Scoville scale from least hot to the world's hottest!

This is an OPIUM POPPY! 

Woody and Jess in LOVE

This is an ENORMOUS sculpture called the "Seed." Shot taken from above. 

Oh yeah --- they built a seasonal ice rink too!

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