Friday, October 23, 2015

Minnak Theater & St. Michael's Mount (AHHH-MAZING)

After a hearty English breakfast at the Land's End Inn, we headed out to see the Minnak Theater. This is one woman's life work to create a theater by the sea literally in the cliffs of Cornwall. I've never seen anything like it. I'm absolutely coming back to see a production (and the bucket list continues). 

From Minnak we headed to St. Michael's Mount - a breathtaking castle that has a walkway in the sand that you can take during low tide. We had the great fortune to take the ferry out and walk back. Seriously. Everything is going our way! I'm bursting with gratitude for this epic adventure. 

At the walkway back see St. Michael's Mount in the background.

From the north part of the castle.

You can see the walkway to the right and small harbor to mid photo.

It's a journey up here. Not for the faint of heart. Many floors all made of cobblestone.

The harbor at St. Michael's Mount. 

Carl's mate Mig who owns Lamp & Whistle in Penzance. 

Incredible Minnak Theater -- and oh look at those gardens!


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