Monday, October 26, 2015

Stonehenge .... Semi-Finals RWC

It takes about 2.5 - 3 hours to Stonehenge from Bodmin where we picked up the our rental car. And as we do, Steve and I stopped at a pub just before Stonehenge in search of a pint and lunch. To our dismay and our benefit, the pub stopped serving food so had a quick pint and took off. Good thing. When we arrived at Stonehenge the attendant told us we had 5 minutes to park and get our tickets - as 3:30 was the last entry time. Just in the nick... we hopped on the bus to Stonehenge. 

I expected to have some sort of magical feeling when I walked around the monumental stones but that didn't happen; however, I did feel an enormous sense of amazement for humanity. The reasons for Stonehenge's existence will be always be debated. It's clear nonetheless that a community over hundreds of years created, rearranged, and kept these stones aligned with the universe - sunset and sunrise - marking the change of seasons. Remarkable, really. 

Speaking of the change in seasons when we drove down to Cornwall the trees were green and now in London the season is changing. Autumn is here and the colors are magnificent. 

Walter and Eric from Fort Lauderdale joined us for the semi-finals. White Swan was our kick off point. Mark Harris connected us to his best mate Karl who was in town with his beautiful wife Nazarene and his brothers Mike and Scotty. Debauchery ensued. 

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